Elites Class

1.What daily habit contributes most to your success?

I would not be able to tell you one habit that contributes the most, because I believe that all of them are important to my career. Here are some of the habits I have that helped me in the past and still help me professionally. Eating healthy food, getting good rest, working out extra hours, writing down my goals, and praying.

2.What is best advice for international women athletes in high school? (Things you wish you knew)

The best advice I could give is, CHANGE IS BEAUTIFUL AND NECESSARY! Do not be afraid of moving away from home, or even trying to get out of your comfort zone. Do what make you happy and the rest will follow.

3.How do you handle the adversity of being a student athlete abroad from Brazil?

The culture is very different, but you have to embrace the adversity and make the best out of it. It was hard in the beginning and that is the best part of it. I grew so much personally, professionally and coming to the US was the best choice I ever made. I always try to make new friends, talk to people, and inform myself about the culture, so I am aware about what is going on. It is a matter of time and you will adapt.

4.What has teamwork revealed about your character?

It showed me how I could be a leader, not only inside of the court, but outside as well. I did not know that I could be a “captain” outside of the court then being on a team showed me that life is not only about winning games or championships. It is also about leading people towards the right direction in their lives.

5.What excites you most about college athletics?

What excites me the most is the fact that we can play the sport we love and go to school at the same time. Some countries do not have this option and it is very frustrating. Being able to travel across the country is also amazing! I have been to 20 different states in the US and I had so much fun.

6.Anyone positive you would like to shout out? 

S/O to my mom and dad (Maristela Palmieri and Roberto Palmieri) for always being my biggest supporters![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]